Here you can search the entire holdings of the Sigmund Freud Private University for selected literature:
Law Department Library
Location: Lassallestraße 3, 6th floor, 1020 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 4700 104 65
Opening hours of the departmental library
Monday and Thursday: 10 am - 2 pm
Tuesday and Wednesday: 9 am - 4 pm
You can access the various databases via the links on the library page on the SFU website ( All online databases are linked there, together with descriptions of the e-media and whether they can be accessed remotely or only on campus. Finally, the user's Moodle/A5 access data is required for registration.
Legal database
Manz legal database
You can find the legal database at:
Basically, the access can also only be used within the SFU network, except in times like Corona you also have access from home. If you have any questions or access problems, please contact the help center:
Legal information system
You can find the legal information system RIS at:
WLAN password Freduplatz and Lassallestraße: SFU1020-WiFi
Username= 123456 / password= sfu