Fulfillment of the attendance requirement is necessary to complete a course and earn the ECTS-Points. The study program of Sigmund Freud Private University (SFU) is a full time program with compulsory attendance. As such, you must maintain an attendance rate of at least 75% in every course. (Exceptions may be made in special cases, in which case there must be an agreement between the course instructor and the StudyServiceCenter.) Note that you are responsible for keeping track of your attendance rate.
In the event that you cannot participate in a lesson due to illness or due to an appointment with public authorities or officials, notify course management and email answesenheit@jus.sfu.ac.at. In order to be marked as excused in the system, promptly send the StudyServiceCenter 1.) an official written excuse (such as a medical certificate or confirmation of your appointment) and 2.) a list of your excused courses and dates. Direct your email to answesenheit@jus.sfu.ac.at Work related absences will not be excused.
ATTENTION: Official excused absences are not included in your absentee rate, as, despite being absent from class, you were excused. Officially excused absences are still important
Information from the Study Regulations under “§ 7. Course Types,” Point (1):
All courses with the exception of Lectures* have an attendance requirement of at least 75% of the relevant attendance time. It is not possible to complete a class without fulfilling the attendance requirement. Excused absence due to hardship--following consultation between the course instructor and the head of the degree program—must be taken into account.
Summarized/Supplementary information regarding §7, Point (1) of the Study Regulations:
- All courses* require a minimum attendance rate of 75% (unless otherwise communicated).
- If the attendance rate falls below 75% or if the unexcused absence rate is higher than 25%, the minimum attendance requirement is not fulfilled and the entire course must be repeated
In cases of hardship:
- Official excused absences will not be counted in the absentee rate. In the event that the absence rate exceeds 25% (up to 50%), excused absences do allow for the possibility of additional assignments being provided.
- Lecturers may refuse to give an additional assignment if the excused absence rate is between 25%-50% (eg, in cases of poor cooperation, failure to complete other tasks, missing too much course content, etc).
- The completion of additional tasks may make up for an unfulfilled attendance requirement
- If the absentee rate is 50% or higher—whether the absences are excused or unexcused—the course must be repeated and no additional assignment may be granted, as at least half of the course has been missed.
*ATTENTION: All of our lectures are viewed as Lectures + Conversational Forums, unless otherwise communicated. This means that all lectures carry a mandatory attendance rate requirement of at least 75%.